Tuesday, 3 November 2009


I must firstly apologise... it has been quite a while indeed.

I began this blog with a pledge to take it seriously, started well with four posts in the space of one day... and then nothing. This is due to a number of reasons.

  • I was dealing with having a long-term relationship very suddenly whisked away from me.
  • I was involved in one of the most fantasmagorical experiences in my life, The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • I have been inundated with an epic amount of assessments and other associated stresses from Uni.

Well... they are the three main reasons. However, here I am! I have not given up hope... I have been reading all the blogs of the wonderful people I subscribe to, and it has only been a matter of time. I have many things to blog about, but such little time. However, I promise to find time over the next couple of weeks to write about the following things.

  • The Mystery of Edwin Drood - what the experience meant for me and where I am going in life as a result of it.
  • Peter Grimes (Opera Australia) - without any doubt the most stunning performance of any nature I have ever witnessed in my life. Plenty to say about this.
  • Angels in America (UOW 3rd Year BCA Grad Students) - not at all what I was expecting, a surprisingly moving, intense and marvellously executed play.
  • The road ahead - where I can see the new year taking me.

That's about all for now... it's past 2am, time for me to get some rest. More Uni assessments to get on top of, not to mention prac teaching lessons to plan and exams to study for.

1 comment:

  1. "I began this blog with a pledge to take it seriously, started well with four posts in the space of one day... and then nothing".

    How like life, my darling.

    I want more posts, tell me about this "Drood"? :P
