Monday, 5 October 2009

Shiny Happy People

This is the lovely smiley cookie that the gorgeous Kenny bought me today to make me feel better, as I have been feeling rather down lately. As you can see it worked. It was gingerbread and yellow and so yummy. It made me very happy and made the rehearsal today much easier to get through. Thank you Kenny :-)


  1. Also, just remember:

    some will win, some will lose,
    some are born to sing the blues...

    It's poetry. Thanks Lea Michele.

  2. Lea Michele. So much love...

    I sort of hate that I love that song.

  3. dude. i can't follow your blog. there is no button!
    i am heart-broken!

  4. Oh balls! Isn't there a 'Follow Blog' button in the toolbar up the very top of the page?

  5. You can manually add it to your subscriptions. But you should probably not be so rude and provide this nice young lady with a button.

  6. *Goes to investigate how to add such a button...*
